Saturday, March 22, 2014

dido is eighty-five //

eh-em, lets not talk about my blogging and picture-taking hiatus or the fact that we still have not finished
and moved into the house. no. lets talk about my dido (grandpa) and the fact that he turned
e.i.g.h.t.y. f.i.v.e. earlier this month. we spent a sunday afternoon celebrating him and his life. 
all his kids (my aunts and uncles) came to visit, and all my cousins' babies were together for the first time since our 
family baby-boom earlier this year. 

decor done mrs. nala panochko, but of course. 
can this child be any more beautiful?
no smiles, cause grilling is serious.
baby urijah is not such a baby anymore. if he wasn't being held and fed, he was just slowly
walking around minding his own business. such a little man he is. 
sophia and baby jonah. 
can't help but declare that this is the most precious picture. 
the eubanks and the panochkos. 
two men and a baby. 
this lady below just had a baby a week prior to this party, but no worries, she still managed
to create a family tree and collect everyone's fingerprints to represent the leaves
of the tree. no biggie. she pretty much wins granddaughter-of-the-year-award. 
family tradition of standing, talking, blessing, praying 
(and getting hungry as the delicious food aromas fill the air). 
the newest edition to the sulyma family - miss mia bella vetter. i have a 
feeling she's going to grow up and be very lady-like with a name like that...
these two getting married soon. #andyolenahitched
and these two beauties created the beauty below...
marco anthony croce. 
no words. cuteness was unstoppable on this day. 
marco + (husband) + mia

and this below was an intense game of "who knows dido best." there were some tricky questions,
but i do believe the only reason my team won was because i have long arms and because kasa
remembered something about her dad sleeping near a stove when he was a baby…and 
we won by a hair!

happy birthday dido marian sulyma. 
we all love you so much. 

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